Toowoomba gaol was located at the back of what is now known as the Old Toowoomba Court House at 90 Margaret St and was initially designed to hold 46 prisoners.

Construction of the gaol commenced after the courthouse was completed and opened in 1864 remaining operative until 1903.

The actual gaol itself was situated behind the old courthouse at the end of Stirling St. Although the gaol no longer exists being demolished in 1904, the basalt rock wall (now known as the Old Toowoomba Gaol Wall) still exists and forms the foundations of townhouses.

The Old Toowoomba Gaol Wall is heritage listed as of 30 June 2001.

A plaque was erected on the site of the goal on Thursday 9th December 2004 recognising the site as location of the gaol. The plaque is located at the far eastern end of Stirling street, 

The there have also been rumours of ghost sightings on the original prison site.

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